Where to Vote
1-2 - Enville
Enville Community Center
115 Leapwood Dr
Enville, TN 38332 -
1-5 Sweetlips
Sweetlips Community Center
4414 Sweetlips Rd
Henderson, TN 38340
1-6 - Harmony
Estes Church of Christ
3505 US Highway 45 South
Henderson, TN 38340 -
2-1 - Beech Springs Baptist Church
Beech Springs Baptist Church
675 State Route 22A S
Jacks Creek, TN 38347 -
2-2 - Friendship
New Friendship Community Center
705 New Friendship Road
Henderson, TN 38340 -
3-2 - Montezuma
Montezuma Community Center
1455 State Route 225
Henderson, TN 38340 -
3-6 - Deanburg
Deanburg Community Center
385 Deanburg Road
Henderson, TN 38340 -
4-1 - Trinity United Methodist Church
Trinity United Methodist Church
1374 West Main Street
Henderson, TN 38340 -
5-1 - Christ Community Church
Christ Community Church
638 White Ave
Henderson, TN 38340 -
6-1 - City Hall
Henderson City Hall
121 Crook Avenue
Henderson, TN 38340 -
Early Voting
Early Voting Annex
126 Crook Avenue
Henderson, TN 38340
Register to Vote
Registration Requirements
To register to vote, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Be a resident of Chester County, Tennessee
- Be at least 18 years old on or before the next election
- Not have been convicted of a felony or had your rights restored
The last day to register to vote is 30 days before the election. Do not count election day as one of the 30 days.
You do not register to vote in Tennessee by political party affiliation. However, if you vote in a Primary Election, you must declare which party’s primary you wish to vote in.
Register Online

Register In-person
Complete a registration application at the Chester County Election Commission located at 133 East Main Street, Henderson, TN 38340.
- Other places to register in person:
- Department of Safety
- Driver’s License Office
- Department of Human Resources
- Chester County Health Department
- All public libraries
- Register of Deeds
- Armed Forces Recruiting Offices
- All post offices
- All public high schools
Register by Mail
Print and mail the completed registration form to
Chester County Election Commission
PO Box 127
Henderson, TN 38340
Early Voting
Early voting begins 20 days and ends 5 days before each election. Early voting is conducted at:
No reason is needed to vote early. A voter may change his/her address or name while early voting. Voters need to bring some form of identification with them.
Hours for early voting will be decided by the Election Commission and announced for each election.
On the last day of early voting, machines will be sealed and taken to a secure location. Early voting results will be tallied after closing of the polls at 7:00 p.m. on election night.
Military & Overseas Voting
Military or overseas personnel may vote via mail. Information about voting by mail may be found at the following website:
A Standard Form 76 can be used by military or overseas voters. Note that an application to vote by mail with a Form 76 will only be good for one calendar year.
Absentee Voting
- A person must have registered in person or voted in at least one election in order to vote absentee by mail.
- A voter who desires to vote by mail must request a ballot application no more than 90 days and no less than seven days before the election. An application to vote by mail can be returned by hand delivery, mail, fax at (731) 989-5023, or email attachment.
**Note: A request for an application to vote by mail sent by email must contain an attachment which serves as the application for ballot. The attachment application must contain all required information including the
voter’s signature. (A request for a ballot sent by email without the attachment will not be processed.) - The voter may have anyone they choose write their request for a ballot or for a voting by mail application, except that the voter must sign or make a mark where required. If the applicant or voter is so disabled that they cannot write a signature or make a mark where required, the action of the person who offers assistance shall be witnessed by one additional person. Both the person giving assistance and the witness shall sign their names and provide their addresses.
- A request to vote by mail is good for one election only. If a voter wishes to vote by mail for each election, a new request must be submitted during the proper time period.
For more information, contact the Election Commission at (731) 989-4039.
Voting by Mail
Please visit for more information.
Absentee Ballot Application
Voter FAQs
Any citizen of the United States who is or will be eighteen (18) years of age or older before the date of the next election and who is a resident of Chester County, Tennessee may register to vote unless disqualified under the law (TCA 2-2-102 and 2-2-104).
Qualified voters may register to vote by obtaining and completing a voter registration form and filing it with the local Election Commission office. In Tennessee individuals may register to vote in person or by mail.
By completing in full a voter registration form and mailing the form to the Election Commission office.
Voter registration forms may be completed in person at the local Election Commission Office or at any one of several public assistance offices including: Department of Safety motor vehicles (driver license) division, Department of Health and Mental Retardation, Department of Human Services, Department of Veteran’s Affairs, and Military Recruiting Offices.
Tennessee driver license with your photo, United States Passport, Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government, United States Military photo ID, or Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo. Learn more at
In order to vote in an election, an individual must be properly registered no later than 30 days before an election. Election Commission Office personnel will process by-mail voter applications if postmarked thirty days or more before any election.
The State of Tennessee does not require someone to declare party affiliation when registering to vote. Tennessee does have primaries where party nominees who qualify to run for a particular office are elected by majority vote and proceed to the general election held in either August or November. You do not have to be a member of a party to vote in primaries or in general elections. Individuals may register with a certain party but are not required to declare a party when registering to vote. With the exception of Presidential election years when the Presidential Preference Primary is held in February in Tennessee, primaries are held in May and August of even numbered years.
Crossing party lines to vote for candidates in both parties may only occur in general elections. During a primary election a voter must vote for candidates from only one party.
Your election day voting location is listed on your voter registration card.
Yes. You must be registered in the county where you live in order to vote in that county.
It is very important to keep your voter registration information up to date. If your address has changed, please notify the Chester County Election Commission as soon as possible. When you move and notify the Electric Company, the Water Department, and other service departments, please notify your Election Commission as well. Keeping your voter registration records up to date, will save you valuable time when you go vote.
There are a couple of ways you may vote if you will be out of town on election day. The Chester County Election Commission offers 15 days of Early Voting whereby voters may vote at Chester County Election Office during specific times which are announced through the press before the early voting period begins. The early voting period begins 20 days before the election date and ends five days before the election date. If you can’t vote early, you may request an absentee ballot from the Chester County Election Commission either in person or by mail, or by fax no earlier than 60 days or later than 7 days before the day of the election. The request must include your name, address, Social Security number, the out of town address where we can mail the ballot, the election or elections you wish to vote in, and the reason you wish to vote absentee. The request must be signed by the voter.
Either request an absentee ballot from the Chester County Election Office or register to vote in the county where you are attending school.
Either request an absentee ballot from the county of your permanent residence or register to vote in Chester County.
The voter may vote by absentee or return to the county where he/she are registered and voter there in person if he/she moved less than 30 days before the election. This only applies for the electors of President and Vice President, not local elections.
If you are active duty military personnel or a dependent stationed outside your county of residence, a Federal Post Card Application (Form 76) is available through your unit’s Voting Assistance Officer. You may also contact your local Election Commission Office to receive the form, or download Form 76 from this website. For a U.S. citizen living overseas, a form 76 may be obtained from the nearest U.S. Embassy. Mail the Form 76 to your local Election Commission Office.
Election deputies coordinate voting activities at all state registered nursing homes, home for the aged or similar licensed institution providing permanent domiciliary care. However, residents may vote early during the early voting period or at their polling place on Election Day if they prefer.